Why are friends Important??!💗💗

Reasons why they are important.

  1. They care for us. Whenever I fall they are  always there for us and help us!
  2. They stick up for us. when someone is saying unkind words to me they will come and stick up for me by saying “please leave us alone”.
  3. they are always there for us. when i am  playing by myself  they will come there way to come and play with me cause they are there for me.
  4. They are funny. they will make one of the most funniest things that we have ever heard and will make us happy
  5. They are comforting. when i am upset they will be the person to hug me and make sure I’m okay.
  6.  They love us. They will love us no matter what if there’s a problem what!

these Friends are true friends. They are the people we need in life and need to get the negative friends out of your life. They are REAL friends and don’t use you. Know who’s REAL and who’s FAKE.

By Kahlia.

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